Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Aging Gracefully

My grandmother has been in my thoughts and in conversations with my women friends a lot lately. I have been using her as a great example for us as she was someone who never wasted time thinking about aging. She was forever young. She was happy, she had a career that gave her a purpose in life, and her work kept her young and active both mentally and physically. At the age of 94 when old age had finally crept in and she could no longer work, she died peacefully. She was never ill, she slept very little, read her books diligently every night, drank many cups of strong espresso daily and worked every day of her life. (she never took a vacation)

When my life changed so drastically, for a moment I had forgotten what really made me happy and where I came from.

Here I go again, starting up my accounting career once more just like I did in 1979. Starting from scratch after so much life experience and in such a different world. Technology - 'have computer will travel' - has changed the way I do business, it allows me to work from home. I no longer have the constraints of an office, research is at my fingertips. My computer, clients and associates now form my new 'virtual' office. My associate Laurie, an ex-employee, intelligent, hard working, with impeccable work ethics, and attention to detail and getting things done right, makes for a great partner. My clients are a wonderful new cast of characters for me, an international mix, many in the arts, all with real talent, all sharing one common denominator CREATIVITY... and I love that.

Talking with my friends about my grandmother and going back to my career have helped me find my fountain of youth, tomorrow, we shall see what else life will bring us. A new journey. I welcome it.

I want to thank my grandmother yet again for helping me throughout my life. When I was young our talks guided me to making important life decisions. Now, that she's no longer with us she is still guiding me by her example in the most difficult part of life "Aging Gracefully".
