Friday, October 30, 2009

The Aging Process Mirrored In My Face

When I started my blog I needed a picture of myself to include in the blog. I went to my friend Mandi’s apartment to have it taken, she’s a great photographer, I was so excited. I was starting something new. Mandy took great pictures, I was confident, I skipped and jumped all the way there, happy and feeling really wonderful. I felt the same way when I started my accounting practice at the age of 30.

When I saw the pictures, I was faced with the brutal reality, yes I felt like 30 but the pictures told another story. I didn’t recognize that woman with gray hair and a wrinkled face with eyes half closed. The experience was so shocking that I was speechless. Mandi did her best to console me, telling me that the pictures didn’t look like me at all. She suggested we take more. We did, but the result was the same. It was useless I was bitten by the harsh truth. I had to go home, I needed to cry. I walked all the way home from West 4th to Grand Street, crying every step of the way. I was inconsolable. My daughters, family and friends all assuring me I was not old and in fact very youthful.

All night I could not sleep. I started thinking of my friend who earlier that week had a face lift, her hair colored, bags under her eyes removed. All I could think was how much younger she looked than me. She wasn’t home crying, she was out having fun and feeling good about herself.

I realized that I had made an error, I thought I was still 30 years old, and I imagined that my appearance would reflect that.
It brought to mind the words of John Cage:

“An error is simply a failure to adjust immediately, from a preconception to an actuality.”

I started thinking how do I correct this error!!! should I color my hair? I have worn my hair grey since my 40's. Should I have my wrinkles smoothed over? Should I start exercising? On and On and On. By the morning, though, I adjusted to my circumstances, and was able to accept the apparent evidence of my aging, I was going to be proud of it and parade it, just like I had with my hair. I didn’t color it, I just let it get whiter and whiter. When my ex left me, my big change was to become a blonde. but, after that momentary lapse,
I realized that it just wasn't me, and promptly shaved it all off and let my gray hair grow back. I love my gray hair, my gray hair is part of who I am.

After all aging is a natural process it just keeps going, I will not fight it I’m going to join it and nurture it every step of the way, every step will accompany me to the next and the next and the next. The only thing I can control is how I feel inside and what makes me comfortable. Inside I’m 30 full of energy and ideas and that’s what’s important.


Quando ho iniziato il mio blog ho avuto bisogno di una foto da includere nel blog. Sono andata all'appartamento della mia amica Mandi, lei e una brava fotografa, io ero così emozionata. Stavo iniziando qualche cosa di nuovo. Mandy fa delle bellissime foto, io ero sicura, e saltavo di gioia e piena di felicita mentre andavo da lei. Mi sentivo bene e con lo stesso entusiasmo di quando avevo iniziato il mio primo studio di commercialista all'età di 30.

Quando ho visto le foto, sona stata colta da una realtà brutale, sì mi sentivo come 30 ma le immagini hanno raccontato un'altra storia. Non ho riconosciuto quella donna con capelli grigi e un viso spiegazzato con gli occhi semichiusi. L'esperienza era così scioccante che ero senza parole. Mandi ha fatto il suo meglio per consolarmi, dicendomi che le immagini non erano come Io sone in realta’i. Ha suggerito che ne faremo altre. Abbiamo fatto, ma il risultato era lo stesso. Era inutile io sono stata morsa dalla verità dura. Avevo bisognio di andare a casa, avevo bisognio di piangere. Ho camminato tutta la strada finche’ sono arrivata a casa dal West 4th Street alla Grand Street, piangendo tutta la via. Ero inconsolabile. Le mie figlie, la mia famiglia e I miei amici mi assicuravano che non ero vecchia e anzi molto giovanile.

Non ho potuto dormire tutta la notte. Ho cominciato a pensare alal mia amica che una settimana scorsa si e fatta una face lift, si e colorata I suoi capelli e rimossi i sacchetti sotto i suoi occhi. Io pensavo solo come lei era più giovane di me. Lei non era a casa a piangere, lei era fuori a divertirsi e si sentiva bene dentro se stessa.

Ho capito che avevo fatto un errore, io pensavoo che avessi ancora 30 anni ed ho immaginato che la mia apparenza riflettesse quell’eta’. A questo punto mi sono ricordata le parole di John Cage:

“Un errore è semplicemente un'omissione di registrare immediatamente, da un preconcetto ad una realtà.„

I started thinking how do I correct this error!!! should I color my hair? I have worn my hair grey since my 40's. Should I have my wrinkles

Ho cominciato a pensare come fare per correggere questo errore!!! dovrei colorare i miei capelli? Ho portato i miei capelli grigi da quando avevo 40' s. Dovrei togliermi le rughe? Dovrei cominciare a fare ginnastica? Etc. Etc. Etc.. Di mattina, ho ridimensionato le mie posizioni e ho cosi' potuto accettare la evidenza del mio invecchiamento, Io sono orgogliosa di sfidarlo, come ho in passato fatto con i miei capelli. Non li ho colorati, li ho lasciati diventare bianchi e più bianchi. Quando il mio ex mi ha lascioto, il mio grande cambiamento era di colorare I miei capelli in biondi. Dopo quell'intervento momentaneo, Io ho capito che quella bionda non era Io, e subito mi sono rasata. I capelli biondi sono scomparsi e ho lasciato che i miei capelli grigi tornassero a crescere. Amo i miei capelli grigi, i miei capelli grigi fanno parte di me, della mia vita.

l'invecchiamento è un processo naturale che va avanti, Io non lo combattero’ e infatti lo curo passo dopo passo, e ad ogni passo mi accompagnera’ al seguente passo ed ancora al seguente. L'unica cosa che posso controllare è come mi sento dentro e come sta bene a me. Dentro di me Io ho 30 anni e sono piena di energia e nuove idee e quella è la cosa piu' importante.


Sally and Herbie said...

Thanks for placing us on your blog list. It's been a long time since we last saw you or bought/sold bakelite items. Our best wishes for happiness both in the USA and in Italy. Sally & Herbie Loeb

Lyn Tortoriello said...

Thanks for sharing and... know you're not alone! To feel 30 and have wisdom...what a great combo!

Hope to see you in New York!

Lyn Tortoriello

Bonny Yankauer said...

What beautiful thoughts.

I will be happy to see you soon.

Bonny Yankauer

Anonymous said...

I'm experiencing the shock of a new aging sign as I write. I know enough to tell myself not to spend to go down that road, but I hear that back-of-the-mind voice hard at work. That soft, but rattling voice is ego, I know, and we are all aware of how hard that part of us works to resist change and keep us "special & apart." It's also an echo of my mother's feelings about aging and how she looked and felt. She thought the wrinkles on her arms ugly, and (even though she looked years younger than friends her own age) often moaned at the aging of her face. What she was expressing, and living in, was her fear.

So, it becomes my responsibility to work on acceptance of the inevitable - my aging process - and to find the sweetness of the moment as the day(s) go by. Aging gracefully has been a lifelong dream of mine. I just didn't realize that it would be up to me to make it happen.

