Essere Nonna dicevano tutti " è diverso dall'essere mamma, è di più!"
wauuu! è bellissimo : questo esserino sorridente, con le braccine sempre tese,
con gli occhi sgranati sul mondo, e i pianti , gli urli...
tutto è bello di lei !
La guardi e cerchi tua figlia neonata e torni indietro a quegli anni faticosi,
sempre di corsa, sempre impegnata, ti rendi conto che non te la sei goduta
veramente la maternità perchè dovevi battere su mille fronti. e le nottate:..
Non ne parliamo!!!!
la mattina mi vestivo senza guardarmi, mi sono messa anche scarpe diverse,
vestiti a rovescio...e intanto lei cresceva....
ora c'è la nipotina e lei sì che ma la godo. anche anche ora tanta fatica
perchè vuoi aiutare tua figlia, vedi che ha bisogno di te, ti cerca sempre, ti
ritrovi con lei un legame diverso di cui ignoravi l'esistenza, ma intanto ti
spupazzi la bimba, deliziosa principessa, piccola tiranna che già mostra i suoi
pugnetti alla vita
Being a grandmother They all said " it's different than being a mother, it is more! " wauuu! it is beautiful: this smiling little being, with her little arms always stretched out, with her eyes sgranati on the world, and the tears, the screams…
Everything is beautiful about her!
You look at her and you search for your daughter when she was an infant and you go back to those difficult laborious years, always on the run, always with too many engagements, you realize that you really did not enjoy being a mother because you had to wear too many hats. and the sleepless nights...!let's not talk about them!!!
In the morning I dressed without looking at myself, I even wore two different shoes, my dresses inside the meanwhile she grew…. now there's the little granddaughter and yes I do enjoy her, even now with lots of hard work because I want to help my daughter, I see that she needs me, she's always looking for me and she calls.
I find in her a bond which is stronger than I thought could ever exist. In the meanwhile I cuddle the baby girl, the delightful princess, this little tyrant who already approaches life with pluck.
1 comment:
Lovely to read. I had a lovely Irish grandmother and never ever wanted to leave their farm in County Cork when my brother and I visited them during school holidays.
Makes me a little sad that I was not allowed to live there for all of my childhood and adolosence. She had crooked teeth, and a great grin and just lots of uncondtional love.
My tears on leaving were copious!
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