Today, a small kitten with grey and black stripes will become our new family member. My daughter, Alanna, has been telling me the story all week long. Now the time has come.
The negotiations on how to distribute the kittens found in a friend's backyard in Brooklyn, lasted over a week. Alanna liked the white kitten with the brown spots, but we are getting the grey and black striped one. The democratic approach was used - one that best suited the welfare of the kittens. No one got to choose. We got selected to take the kitten that was most outgoing because of our dog, NIKE.
Alanna, made the preparations for the arrival of the as yet un-named kitten. Much time was spent preparing Nike, lots of conversations, explanations, kisses and hugs. Didn't seem like Nike had any interest in having a kitten to share our attentions.
What to name her, comes next. Alanna and I simultaneously thought of Micia. Every stray cat in Rome is called Micia and she fits the name so perfectly. And so Micia it is. Nike was overcome with jealousy mixed with curiosity and had to be separated from her new little friend. Within hours they were cuddling up together and playing. Micia fits in with our family perfectly. Sidney will be back in a few weeks and has already met Micia on Skype. She likes her too. Fait accompli.
Adorable. Nike looks somewhat calm. Kittens are so much fun. Enjoy!
Oh how cute are these animals together? When you think of it, aren't we all just animals together? Well, yes and no. If we could get along as well as these two do, life on Planet Earth would be so much better, but unfortunately, too often we are, like the old saying goes, "fighting like cats and dogs" - and it is sad. If we can learn from these wonderful creatures, we could do away with that saying once and for all. Peace out.
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