Wednesday, December 12, 2012


This is not the first posting on my blog about the quandary of aging. It seems every few years I have a different "uh oh" moment.  wrinkles, greying hair, sagging skin....... and with it brings another insight about my life journey,  what it all means and how it changes who I am..  up until the November Pier show the process of aging to me had meant aging with dignity, dressing and acting appropriately (by my standards).  In other words I had resigned myself to growing  old.. not a bad thing,  as I also consider the advantages of experience and appreciate the smaller things in life that bring pleasure.

But something changed me at the Pier Show... I found something I had coveted for these many years now, a fabulous necklace designed by Coppola e Toppo who was famous in the 60s for designing the crystals that were at the end of the belts of the Pucci dresses that we all wore.  I had purchased many necklaces from this designer but this particular one never came my way.  But now I own one! it's mine!  I feel that a milestone has occurred and it's also a sort of an omen.  Eventually you get what you want.   This necklace was the catalyst for my change of attitude for the New Year.   It was sort of a chain reaction.  I was speaking to my friend Barbara about the necklace and it was at that moment that I realized I wanted to wear it with a little black dress on New Year's Eve.    Barbara wanting to join in  said "I've just the thing, my mother's little black dress from the 60's" it was a Jacqueline de Ribes black dress. 

Thanks to Fedex  I will have the perfect outfit for a New Year's celebration and I know that I will be sharing a fun evening with all who are celebrating the coming new year with me.  So this is my resolution-- to be more like the care free self of easier times!    doing what I want to do in my life!  With that, I wish all of you a Happy and healthy and productive New Year.  Have fun my friends!
